Thursday, October 04, 2012

How to pray to Ambal and Shiva by Kanchi Paramacharya

Found this nice visualisation in:

Kanchi Mahaswamigal has said that the 'live' form of Ambal residing in
the moon must be taken in our mind with her feet touching our head. He
has also said, the 'live' form of Shiva, His feet touching touching
our head, should also be taken in simultaneously with Ambal. They
should always be prayed 'together'. And while doing this, we must be
extremely happy and surrender ourselves to them with the knowledge
that they are our loving Mother and Father.

He has said this is the way to pray Ambal and Shiva and this is also
the way to pray to our Gurus.

He has said that if one prays like this Ambal will automatically make
us realize the Self. This final destination is what
is obtained by Ramana Maharshi's method of self enquiry. But self
enquiry may not be possible for anyone with 'limited' intellect
whereas praying to God is as simple as breathing, especially all the
more so when one is suffering. How I wished everyone prayed when they
were happy.

If we cannot identify or relate with a God then pray to the Guru whom
you love unconditionally. But when you look at the enormity of the
universe creation it is very easy to know it would have not been
possible without a Superior power. Pray to that as Ambal and Shiva
with infinite love and surrender to our Mother and Father, Ambal and