Saturday, October 07, 2006

Karma - Action Arising out of Denial of the Present Moment


Eckhart Tolle presents a unique perspective on Karma, which he says is action arising out of denial on the present moment. Read on....

"Very often there is denial of what is happening in the present moment, not wanting it to happen, which includes what’s happening inside you at that moment, to completely say "yes" to whatever emotion may be there or whatever your inner state may be at this moment or to completely say "yes" to whatever the external situation may be at this moment. It’s too late to fight it because it is. You can’t fight what is. You can take action on the basis of your acceptance of what is. Action that arises out of that acceptance is very empowered. Action that arises out of a negative state of resistance and denial and saying ‘no.’ can also sometimes contain a lot of energy, but it is contaminated with heavy negativity. It comes out of the saying ‘no’ and it’s there to strengthen or defend the egoic sense of self. So, whatever action arises out of that would, in Eastern terms, be called "karmic" which produces further karma and further suffering."

- Eckhart Tolle


Anonymous said...

If I read this in the begining of the week - I don't think I would have fully understood it.

It now makes sense and has meaning.

I took action out of what I was trying to deny to myself at the moment.

The reality that I can only control myself - and that I could not ignore my feeling and emotions in the now.

Intellectually I understood this but I am learning to listen to my body and actually face it.

VS said...

There was a question posed to Eckhart Tolle.

Q: The present moment is sometimes unacceptable, unpleasant, or awful.

Eckhart: It is as it is. Observe how the mind labels it and how this labeling process, this continuous sitting in judgement, creates pain and unhappiness. By watching the mechanics of the mind, you step out of its resistance patterns, and you can then allow the present moment to be. Accept - then act.
Eckhart simply tells us to be aware of our acceptance or denial of the Now, and not to fill ourselves with positive thoughts to overcome the denial. The simply awareness will make us more Present and slowly and steadily align us with the Now. This alignment is a process.