Sunday, August 06, 2006

Selected verses on the Guru from the Guru Vachaka Kovai

An external Guru is needed because the desire-filled, infatuated mind rushes out without listening with love to the truth unceasingly proclaimed in the Heart by the Self, being-consciousness.

Regard only him who possesses the rare attribute of radiating that supreme power [akila-para-sakti] as the Sadguru who has the enormous power to merge, through his causeless sweet grace, any jiva that comes to him with genuine love into the non-dual paramatma-swarupa, whose nature is attribute-free consciousness.

Peace of mind, shanti, which is desired by everyone, is not attained by anyone, anywhere, through any means, except through the grace of the Guru. Therefore, those who want peace should continuously enquire and seek alone that grace in the Heart, with their whole mind.

Unless we first obtain the divine grace of a Guru, a jivanmukta in whose perspective the triputi-differences have ended and who shines as the undivided and single essence, it will be impossible to obtain the life of liberation and live illustriously under the shade of God’s twin feet, [a life] that is all bliss and the ultimate of all benefits.

- Source: David Godman's website-

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