Monday, September 25, 2006

Witnessing The Breath - A Powerful Spiritual Practice

OSHO on Vipassana (Witnessing the Breath)
Buddha's way was Vipassana- vipassana means witnessing. And he found out one of the greatest devices ever, the device of watching your breath. There are four points to be watched- The incoming breath, the gap when for a split second it stops, the breath turns and goes out, and a split second gap before it starts coming in. If you can watch all the four points, you will be surprised, amazed, at the miracle of such a simple process- because the mind is not involved. Watching is not a quality of the mind; but of the Consciousness.
Eckhart Tolle on watching the breath as a powerful spiritual practice

Eckhart Tolle has something similar to say on this technique. He says that if one were to watch one's breath as much as possible for a year, it would be more spiritually transformational than most other spiritual practices.

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